Alvaro Capaceta Magallanes

Full-Stack Developer with a Backend focus, specializing in web development and dedicated to creating impactful and functional digital experiences

Mazatlan, Sinaloa
[email protected] ● +52 6692108089 ● ●
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Alvaro Capaceta Magallanes


I'm a guy striving to make a mark in the web development world under the name INGCapaDev. I have experience in startup environments, where I've accelerated development and collaborating on client projects. My proactive problem-solving skills ensure optimal functionality, stunning design, and exceptional user experiences.

Fueled by my passion for productivity, I create custom tools to boost efficiency, often becoming my own client. I share my journey and insights on my personal blog, which you can find linked in the projects section, merging my love for web development with my commitment to self-improvement.

My goal is to simplify and enhance people's lives through digital innovation, cultivating and expanding the INGCapaDev brand, and creating a lasting impact on the web development community.






Soft Skills